Cynthia Rojas
June 15, 2013
(DALLAS-FT. WORTH, TX) At some point, even the most discerning consumers get a bad deal. From paying too much for consumer items to being a victim of a scam, most people eventually become a victim. Consumer advocate Pete Thomson says that he’s no exception. Thomson said, “Yes, I’ve been snookered a few times. In fact, going through the process of getting ripped off motivated me to get involved in consumer advocacy broadcasting. I wanted to help protect people from some of the things that I had fallen for in the past.”
Thomson is host of The Consumer Team, a weekly consumer advocacy talk radio program heard on CBS Radio’s KRLD in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas. Thomson has been in broadcasting for over 30 years and consumer advocacy broadcasting for over a decade. Thomson says his mission for The Consumer Team is to help listeners save time and money and avoid grief. Thomson’s team consists of national consumer advocacy experts, his own staff of reporters and local DFW experts in a variety of business categories.
Thomson’s national consumer advocacy experts include writers for leading consumer advocacy sites such as Consumer Team radio segments cover current consumer news and trends and give tips for how to be successful as a consumer. And, since every Consumer Team program is current to that week’s news, the content is always fresh. Thomson said, “Between our news bureaus in Dallas and New York and our expert guests, The Consumer Team is on the cutting edge of what is happening right now in the consumer markets.”
The Consumer Team sponsors, Pete Thomson says, are one of the most important parts of the program. From financial planning to home repair to health and wellness, Consumer Team sponsor experts are featured on the broadcast each week. Thomson described a very selective process that is used to identify potential sponsors. He said, “We know that our listeners are depending on us to bring them quality sponsors whose values are in line with The Consumer Team. Before they’re invited to be part of The Consumer Team, every sponsor is vetted and checked out thoroughly. As a result of this process, our listeners know that they can depend on Consumer Team sponsors to have top quality products and services, fair prices and outstanding customer service.”
Thomson said that saving money is just one of the benefits of doing business with Consumer Team sponsors. The other benefit is saving time. Thomson added, “Realistically speaking, most people would never be able to spend the time necessary to find high quality companies like those on The Consumer Team. And while we urge our listeners to always get at least 2 opinions on any major purchase, they can be confident when they call a Consumer Team sponsor.”
With a weekly audience of over 500,000 people, KRLD is the #1 ranked news station in Dallas-Ft. Worth. According to ratings, The Consumer Team is one of the most listened to local consumer radio programs on the air in America. Thomson commented on CBS Radio and KRLD. He said, “KRLD and CBS Radio have been very supportive of The Consumer Team. Because KRLD has such a large audience and footprint in North Texas, we know that The Consumer Team is helping thousands of people every week and that’s very exciting.”
The Consumer Team is heard Saturdays from 5-7PM on 1080 KRLD. For more information and to listen live, go to The Consumer Team is produced by McQ Media, Dallas, Texas.