Cynthia Rojas
August 3, 2012
Saving money on groceries will be the topic of a special segment broadcast on The Consumer Team talk radio program, Saturday, August 4 at 2PM Central on 570 KLIF Radio, Dallas. Jody Rohlena, Senior Editor with Consumer Reports ShopSmart magazine, will be a featured guest on the program.
Pete Thomson, host of The Consumer Team commented on the upcoming program. “Jody and the ShopSmart staff has really done their homework. We’ll be talking about ways that consumers can save significantly at the grocery store. In fact, one of the tips from this segment can save shoppers up to 60%.”
Historically, savvy shoppers have mastered ways to save by combining coupons with store sales and other promotions. According to Thomson, coupon clipping is just the beginning of the process of cutting the family grocery bill. Thomson added, “There’s no doubt that a family can save thousands of dollars annually by using coupons strategically. In our interview we’ll be going deeper into the process of saving. We’ll be talking about new web sites and Apps that have emerged as well as new programs that retailers are rolling out to help their customers be smarter shoppers.”
The Consumer Team radio program is heard from 2-4 PM (Central) on 570 KLIF. To listen live, go to
The Consumer Team is produced by McQ Media, Dallas, Texas